Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dawn Rises and It is ALL Good!

It has been a month since my last blog, from which I was very angry. It is amazing how
God can change your life in just an insignificant amount a time. As I celebrated christmas

with my family, a festivity which I have not enjoyed in two years. I thought to myself "this

is exactly where I am supposed to be." Good food, good family, drama and stress free.

As I began to shed the pain of present past I never imagined what God had in store for me.

From the time of the last blog, my world has been thrown in a whirlwind of good treasures.

I received gifts reminding me of the joy in giving and receiving. I cultivated stronger bonds

with my family and friends. I ended the year in peace, joy, love and harmony. I ended the

year healed with a new, clean state.

The New Year and Decade has certainly brought to light aspects of myself I left hidden. Most were good, some were bad, but in my new awareness, the light I possess is all good. That is all anyone

can ask for because that is what God only requires to be good. "And God saw the light, that it was good." Genesis 1:4.

So I begin my year in the goodness of self, celebrating all that is within me: Good. My book ranked number 1 on lulu's romance section. I am being interviewed on a local radio station. I am surrounded with good friends and family that I love and whom love me. Darkness looms over me

no more and the dawn has arisen anew.

Peace, Love and Bliss


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